Neemtree Gaining a Competitive Edge in the Market!

Neemtree is our In-house services business unit focused on Tech hiring for Software Product Companies. They have helped 50+ Mobile, Internet, and Software Product firms recruit and build their dream teams. With the rise in demand for technology positions in the few years, Neemtree had faced a number of difficulties in Sourcing, discovering the right candidates and conversions. For Neemtree, Hiring top 20% of the talentpool and reducing the number of back outs for their Clients was a major challenge.

With Klimb, Neemtree has proactively evolved their recruitment process moving away from tedious, manual HR processes to meet today’s modernized recruiting era. Klimb facilitated Automated Pitches to Candidates, delivery of Employer Value Proposition and the  Measure of Candidate Intent, with proven Analytics,  with the end result of weeding out the window shopping candidates.

Neemtree were able to increase sourcing speed and ultimately their revenue by 2x through Klimb’s Sourcing and recruiting engagement automation. Additionally, their candidates had a unique and spectacular experience. We were overjoyed when Sidhdarth Gohel, the Recruitment lead of Neemtree said that Klimb has worked as a miracle for them. This unique step by Neemtree to join modern recruitment has tremendously helped them gain a competitive edge vis-à-vis other consultancies in the Industry.